
Posts Tagged ‘food’

our home-made pizzas rock!

our home-made pizzas rock!

Ok, i wasn’t really tagged like a bus in Brooklyn.  But i was asked or “tagged” to tell 6 “random” (do contemporary people believe in randomness?) things about me.  How about i tell you six things about me you might not know?  And how’s about we spread them out over a few blogs?

1) when in need of comfort food and home-made isn’t an option, i default to Mexican food.

This is extremely so since we have moved away from Arkansas.  I grew up eating really spicy, hearty meals.  This is not to say this is my favorite kind of comfort food to eat out.  My very favorite is probably Thai food, esp. curry dishes so hot that they could revive the dead.  Alas, Thai food is expensive and not prolific in the town we live in.  So, Mexican it is.

So, you probably knew this about me, but i thought it was worth attaching to this blog, food and eating are incredibly important in my life, even on a religious and spiritual level.  I think of the Jewish blessings for  bread and wine:   Blessed are You, Lord our G0d, King of the Universe, Who brings forth bread from the earth.  Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, Who creates the fruit of the vine.

The food we eat is more than just the means to keep our bodies going.  God has brought it forth from the earth and created it.  It is a divine gift.

And cooking!  Oh!  Cooking is like magic.  we take disparate elements from the earth and bread is made?  its astonishing!

And meals with those we love!  small lunches, feasts, picnics–they all have the potential to be momentous times of fellowship and delight.  Just as God would have it.

So, that is the first thing about me you may not have known.  i’m going to go make breakfast 😉

fried deer, hashbrowns, bicuit and deer gravy.  die happy.

fried deer, hashbrowns, bicuit and deer gravy. die happy.

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